Hire Photographer Scott Arthur

Below you will find the most common types of photo shoots Scott Arthur Photography performs. Before we engage any client we always like to have a conversation with them to make sure we are on the same page and both parties are comfortable. If for any reason Scott is not comfortable being the man behind the camera on your special day, he will certainly let you know. The last thing we want to do is add any stress to our client’s special day.


Let us capture fun-loving family moments so you can keep them with you forever and share them with the world.


Let us your portraits for personal or business use. Scott can make these really pop for you.


Want professional headshots for personal use or maybe you need them for business purposes. Either way we have your covered.


Your own unique photographs will make your business shine among the stock photos found on your competitors’ websites, social accounts, and other marketing materials.


Scott takes stunning photographs of buildings taking into consideration the suns position and more that truly gives them that professional look.


One of Scott’s favorite types of photos to take is of classic, exotic, or in general cool cars. Not to worry, he takes great photos of motorcycles too!


Does your family treat the dog or cat as another child? We get it! We’d be happy to snap some photos so your memory of them never fades.


There is plenty to shoot as far as landscapes go around Greater Cincinnati. It gets really exciting when Scott takes his camera with him on the road though!


Whether it is a family get-together or a corporate event, Scott would love to be the man behind the camera capturing it all.


Is your special day in the near future? Get on Scott’s schedule and let’s make sure every moment is frozen in time.



Questions About Our Photography Services?
We understand you more than likely have questions for Scott! No worries. Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not see the answer you were looking for, feel free to call, text, email us, or fill out any contact form on our website and we will immediately get back with you!